WHEN BEGINING WITH PREPARATION (target group of preparation strategy)
In the „Czech Life of Age research“, respondents admit that they never thought about preparing for their old age. If they were preparing for old age, most of them were only after the age of fifty, with almost one third of all respondents getting ready for their preparation and about a quarter after retirement. However, in younger generations, there is a shift towards more conscious behavior.
By the age of 45 at the latest, a person should consciously accept old age as an integral and legitimate part of life, and prepare a concretized alternative of other activities. Short-term preparation is to be carried out within 3-5 years before leaving (Haškovcová, 1990).
The preparation of the retirement strategy should therefore be available to anyone who is interested in meaningful retirement, whether close or only at the beginning of working life.
WHAT TO PREPARE (aspects of the preparation strategy)
In the Czech environment, preparation for retirement is mainly associated with financial preparation. People are starting to know how much their income will be compared with their current earnings (in the Czech Republic, the current average level of the pension is slightly more than one third of the average gross monthly earnings).
However, it is necessary to point out that retirement is a change in social roles. In particular, people who have a higher position in employment are less able to take up pension. People are most often talking about fears of leisure time, feelings of uselessness and worries about deteriorating health.
The aim of education training in retirement education is to provide knowledge and practical information on a wide range of aspects related to the retirement life of retirees. Participants should set personal goals and make decisions that will lead to the fulfillment of these personal goals (Sterns & Kaplan, 2003; Sterns & Subich, 2005). On their basis, everyone sets a new life plan that matches his set goals.
Specific themes are dependent on individual needs. They are selected based on course type, extent and orientation.
Financial aspects and budgeting during retirement
Anyone who wants to prepare for retirement in a responsible way must know under what conditions he/she can enter the retirement pension and what is the average level of pension in the country and the system of his/her calculation. Everyone should know the pension system of their country (pension pillars), whether it is possible to determine their own financial strategy (e.g. supplementary pension savings in the Czech Republic, etc.) and whether the legislation allows for early retirement or so-called pre-retirement and under what conditions. In the future, most clients will need to use some of the forms of social services and need to know their types and ways of financing.
However, the retirement age should not be built on the individual before choosing between two options: between leaving the labor market and remaining fully on the labor market. (National Program for the Preparation of Aging for 2008-2012, 2008)
If possible, everyone should have a resolved housing issue before retirement and consider adjusting it for possible health problems. Everyone should also have other potential financial support options from a family that they can use more or less.
Everyone should be able to identify their finances and budgeting their pensions and organize all the necessary documents.
Although the financial preparation for retirement is important, the emotional, physical and psychological preparation that you integrate into a balanced plan is ultimately the key to a successful and meaningful retirement:
Psychological and social aspects
It is very important for successful preparation for retirement to understand this process primarily through the adaptation mechanisms and the time-scales of adaptation (Vágnerová 1999). The first significant change that a retiree faces is more leisure time or so-called “loss of the program”. The majority of seniors solve this situation by focusing on hobbies of all kinds or more engaging in the family, especially as a grandparent. Every activity, is undoubtedly beneficial, as it can bring the actor as much inspiration, uplifting as a calming. (Haškovcová, 1990)., Tošnerova (2009)
In general, there are several factors influencing the individual’s reaction, for example, the value of work in the actual identity of an individual (especially in individuals in a higher working position). Psychology talks about “geriatric depression,” which often arises because the old man can not define himself by his work and strength. In particular, men experience depressed situations after retiring because they no longer have their own activities to help them identify themselves (Grün, 2009)
A similar function can also be fulfilled by social events that allow retired staff to meet former colleagues, including volunteer activities.
Companies generally play an important role in preparing their older employees to leave the labor market and to retire.
The individual’s lifestyle is also influenced by the adaptation of the individual. If any activity has the character of the second program in the future, it needs to be started in time. Because it is always necessary to take into account the needs and wishes of a particular personality, one should also be able to bet on „more horses“ in a lifetime of professional work. Society can and should help people find non-traditional activities, creating space and offering opportunities. (Haškovcová, 1990).
It is necessary to clarify how a person is currently spending his free time and what adjustments can be made to create a more balanced pace. Think about what the educational, leisure, cultural and spiritual activities are doing. One should realize their dreams, goals and planned activities. Already before retirement, he or she should create new structures and routines, such as joining a social community.
Everyone should, of course, consider their current and future health situation, eating habits and exercises.
Above all, however, in creating a balanced plan for meaningful retirement, it is necessary to think that all dimensions are linked.